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Messages - 80W150

What? Am I too honest? (never was good at selling stuff  ;) )
General Discussion / Re: YouTube surfing
January 10, 2014, 08:34:08 AM
Pffft. Nothin' the old mudshark couldn't handle. :laughing7:

General Discussion / Re: Global warming my @$$!!!
January 09, 2014, 01:31:07 PM
 :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4: polar vortex  :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4:
General Discussion / Re: Random pictures
January 09, 2014, 01:27:59 PM
That has got to be THE most bitchin' truck I've ever laid eyes on. That's sexy!
About time you showed up. Been waiting for EVER!  ;)

It's quiet. As in no bickering between a couple of people. (which, while it can be fun to watch, like a tennis match played with a live grenade, it can get old.) We just shoot the breeze over here and it's always interesting to see what war wagon or wolfie is going to post either in the vids or pics sections.

Anywho, welcome! :tongue3:
General Discussion / Re: Global warming my @$$!!!
January 08, 2014, 08:12:26 AM
Yeah, I've looked before for kicks and grins, nope, no heater.  Good advice on the turning key a few times. Will do that today. It's still around zero. No idea what wind chill is... (but it's nosed to garage and if I have a issue as far as needing a jump, I have a jumper pack. Not worried.)
General Discussion / Re: Global warming my @$$!!!
January 07, 2014, 08:14:10 PM
Uh yeah, block heater. Need one. The ram didn't want to start today. Now sure, you shouldn't park vehicles nose to the wind in these kind of temps, I get it. Especially diesels. Well, I guess mine was to the wind enough it just made the truck too cold. I always back up to the garage. (force of habit from military and riding motorcycle) It would crank fine but wouldn't start. Acted like it wanted to fire but nothing. Went to pop the hood, nope. It would release but the latch was froze too. Crap.

I finally got the latch to give up and opened the hood. Went it garage and got the jumper pack and hooked that up. (I had already cranked numerous times so figured the extra juice would be good) Finally held the throttle to the floor. Let it crank until it acted like it wasn't trying to fire, let it set a minute. Hit the key again and she fired up. It didn't sound happy at first but smoothed out quick enough.

It's nosed close to the garage now, like almost touching the door. If it's pulling the same stunt tomorrow I'll fire up the garage furnace and pull the dryer duct out and stuff it up under the truck. Kinda warm things up a bit. (sounds good in theory) And yes. I have a reducer on the plenum of the garage furnace so I can take said dryer ductwork and put it under a vehicle if I'm working on it. Chase away the cold from the floor some. 24' of it.

Next summer the ram is getting a dang heater put it. Might even go the kind that plumbs into the heater hose.....
General Discussion / Re: Random pictures
January 07, 2014, 07:34:03 AM
 :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4:
General Discussion / Re: Global warming my @$$!!!
January 07, 2014, 07:33:13 AM
We're the same over here Bob. -10 ambient. No idea on windchill other than f'ing cold. I'm going out long enough to get to my truck, then into gym, then back in truck. Done. Good thing I put a new batt in that a few weeks ago.
General Discussion / Re: Have to divert funds...
January 07, 2014, 07:30:34 AM
Thought about that after I did it. "wish that had been caught on video". To dang cold to do it today. -10 ambient air temp right now. No idea about windchill. Not about to ask my buddy "hey, would ya go take a vid while I blast through the snow?" lol

Went out and started grimace for my wife and get it out of the garage. For the ohh, probably 2 minutes I was out there, that was enough. The girls were waiting to go out when I got up and yeah, they didn't play around. Out and right back in. Even for living up here we aren't used to it being this cold. Where's a good place to move in Texas? (and not a border town) :laughing7: 
General Discussion / Re: Have to divert funds...
January 06, 2014, 02:54:13 PM
I'll start getting stuff and come spring when I can get the 79 out I'll send the 01 to my body guy.

Went out to my buddy's place today after I got done shoveling and snowblowing. He lives half mile off the main road in a very open area,,,, and it's blowing good today. Drift busting time.

I turn onto his road and almost immediately question my decision. Too late. Too deep to stop and back out. Means one thing, give her more throttle and stay with it. Work the wheel. I get to his place and can't even see the driveway so I by gosh by golly it, found it! (if I had missed it was going to get ugly fast. the ditch isn't real deep but it's deep enough)

I walk into his garage and he comes out "dude. what are you doing?" Me "just thought I'd come out see what's shakin'." I knew he was home because I knew he couldn't get his work van out. He works for a major security system business. The company ride is a ford minivan. You know the ones. Short wheelbase, high top, looks like a clown car.. Yeah, there was no way on this planet that was making it down to the main road. His wife was called by her work yesterday and told not to come in.

I hang out for a minute, drink some coffee then decide before the road blows back shut of what I just punched open, time to go. Backed the truck around and went. Had to keep in the throttle a little bit but it made it to the main road. Couldn't stop at intersection because of the snow so I blew that stop sign. Of course no other vehicles were coming.

Tell ya what, I'm impressed with that truck. I was dragging axles through that stuff, sometimes pushing snow, and it really didn't slow down much. Course it helps to have relatively fresh skins on it. (general grabber AT2) Couldn't see where I was going very well because of the snow blowing over the hood but we got the job done.

I love drift bustin' like that but I always feel better when I have a partner truck out there with me.

General Discussion / Have to divert funds...
January 05, 2014, 08:28:12 PM
So it's snowing pretty good here today. Did some running around this morning, packed the nerfs with snow. Well, got the snowblowing done for the neighbor and my place, moved grimace (minivan) into the garage. Went to the ram, was kicking snow away from the nerf on the drivers side and boom, boot goes through the rocker. Great. Go to passenger side, same thing, boot through rocker. Marvelous.

I knew they were getting rusty but this was rot from inside out. The box has typical wheel well rot but the bed itself even has a couple holes in it. Of course the front fenders have the typical rot. But hey, the doors are still good! ;)

So I think, instead of doing the things I had planned for the RC that money is going to have to go into the 01 ram. It's a great truck. I don't want to get rid of it just because of rust. I know what I have and don't want to start over hoping said "new" truck is as good.

I'll give my body guy a shout this week and get a guesstimate. Heck, might even have him match paint the topper while he's at it. :laughing7:
Projects / Re: 1976 Big Block RC build
January 04, 2014, 10:21:34 AM
Quote from: SixGun on January 04, 2014, 10:16:06 AM

I don't think the mother in law would approve though.

She'll be ok, just go ahead and strut on out and do your thing. What's the worst that could happen? :laughing7:
Yup. A rod lobster bib.  :laughing7:
General Discussion / Re: Magpul pulls the plug......
January 03, 2014, 06:01:30 AM
I'm there! Guess I'd be a rebel huh? I'm ok with that.  :violent-smiley-007: :PDT_Armataz_01_37: